Now, I'm a pretty lenient guy. Even though I don't like being ganked, it's not that big of a deal. I don't particularly fancy world PVP either, but hey, Mindy's friends are on one, and I don't want to play alone, so here I am.
But the one thing I cannot stand is corpse camping. I hate it. Aggravates the hell out of me. Ganking is one thing, but the when you corpse camp your intentionally just trying to be a dick and ruin someones day.
Tonight, I was running through Terokkar Forest trying to get my main to 64, and two gnome locks from Sandwich no Jutsu show up. I wasn't expecting a fight, but then again I don't remember if I started it or if they did. Anyways, we fought, and I won the first round. I barely scraped by as they were higher level than me and did some AOE fears (any multiboxer's bane right there). So, I start killing the monsters that aggro while we fought, not expecting at all to fight again. I was very, very wrong. They surprised me by rezing pretty quick and got the better of me. By the time I got back, they decided to camp my bodies. I try again to rez and fight, but at half health/mana, I couldn't bring them down since they were fully buffed. I actually brought one of them down to 3%, but ran out of mana on all my mages.
So, I asked Mindy if she would like to lend a hand, even though she just shut her PC down and was about to go to bed. She hops on, but by the time it boots, she sets up, logs in, and starts flying to the base the gnomes leave. I'm still frustrated from being camped, so I suggest we run around and try to kill allies in spite. Her team is a lv 67 Hunter, 67 Mage, and a 67 Priest. We mount up and comb the entire zone. Found one hunter who is lv 70, but she was able to slip away by keeping her distance from us very, very well.
About 10 min later we were about to call it a night when we saw a draenei paladin. We gave chase, and look at that, we found the same two fuckers that camped me earlier. Both were just finishing up a fight, roughly half health each.
This one starts to run, but I got Crusader aura bitch, you can't outrun me. I catch up to him, dismount and cast 3x PoM/Pyroblast, and down he goes. The other one decides to fight, and started to dot up my mages. I promptly turn around and Fire Blast him, bringing him down to 10% ish, then finish off the rest with arcane blast. The fight was so quick Mindy didn't have a chance to dismount and lend a hand.
After that, I felt soooo much better. We went to the entrance of Shattrath and took logged for the night. As much as I wanted to, and Mindy was willing, we didn't corpse camp.
In a way, I almost don't like what we did. I don't like leveraging 5 toons (technicly 8 with Mindy) and go try to World PvP against 1-2 guys. But then again, I remember Stranglethorn vale and the lv 70 warrior and druid that had nothing better to do than camp lv 30 lowbies, or the warlock/hunter lv 70 pair that followed me from the air, constantly sniping my clothies then flying off when I tried to close the distance. I remember trying to go to Ramparts and have almost a dozen 70's camp me.
When I remember those things, I feel like what we did tonight should be just the start of some random world PvP pillaging. I don't know if I want to go down that route yet, but we'll see.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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