Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Phase 1 complete

My grand plan to become master of all mutliboxing blogs was set in motion today. Indeed, it is a cunning plan to force all other blogs who even occasionally dabble in the activity crumble beneath my feet.

First "real part" of my master plan (besides starting out, trying to mingle with people, gather a readership, make some content) is to get good with another multibox blogger so I can put a guest post on their blog. The entry would consist of such profane and horrible writing that they would lose all their readers. This in turn will demoralize the blogger, giving in to depression and finally abandons the blog. Over time I will infiltrate other multibox blogs and have them fall before me, leaving me with the greatest one of them all through sheer attrition.

Cause, you know, I can't do it the good old honest way.

Anyways, poor Razorbax at Three Druid Noob will be the first to fall with my devious guest post.
Poor sap will never know what hit him.

Besides that...I got nothing. The team is 69 now, and the level grind is almost complete. I can't friggin wait to be at max level so I can focus on just instances and other stuff I never did.

Oh, and I just got an invite into the beta this morning. That is all.


Shane said...

ROFL, nice one. You have overlooked one important fact....

I already have Beld writing for me... If you can read that you can read anything!

Anonymous said...

OI !!!

I can read this you know !!