Monday, August 18, 2008

Rant time

Now lets forget all about multiboxing for a bit. Lets talk about something else instead. No, lets rant about something else. Indeed, lets tackle that proverbial Internet question that, to this day, the answer escapes me. Lets write the word lets about a dozen more times.

Lets lets lets lets lets lets lets lets lets lets lets lets

And if you don't like swearing or generally aggressive language, I suggest you stop reading now :)

So here we go…

Why do people, given an audience and anonymity, act like friggen cockbags? Inquiring minds want to know. Xbox live, PSN, WoW, whatever the platform or game, there is always some of these dingleberries running free in the wild, ruining it for the rest of us. I’m not talking about cheating, stretching the rules, or hell, even spawn camping. I’m talking about those special individuals who just act like cocks for no damn reason. Maybe they want to be stroked, like a….. kitten. Hell I don’t know.

For imaginary bonus points, why does this happen especially during a team like activity? Say like….an instance run?

This past weekend while I was out and about saving San Diego’s data centers in the same way Arthas saved Stratholme from the plague (WotLK refrence, boooo), Mindy decided to take her hunter with some guildies to do some lv 70 instance. She did not take her mage and priest, as she doesn’t have her toons set up to do instances together. They needed a tank and healer to round out the setup, and got a feral druid and a holy priest.

Now the druid, nobody had any real problems with him. Sure, he was 69, relatively new to tanking and very undergeared. But he had a heart of gold and practically screamed “I think I can I think I can” through the run. From what I am told, the poor guy was intimidated a bit by the bosses, not knowing if he could handle it. I know it must get a little frighting, stepping up to the dance floor, looking at your 30ft dance partner with razor sharp teeth, ugly as sin and whispered “He’s all yours” by your 4 closest friends. But hey, you’re the fall man tank, you knew what you signed up for.

The priest, on the other hand, acted like some snobby rich fart from uptown. You know, like the guy who fantasises himself as holier than thou, lord of the ladies, a blessing to us scrubs with his mere presence. While back in reality we try to distance ourselves from him due to his foul smell, sailor moon cosplay dress and possible white spunk in his hair.

So anyways, after forming the group and getting all the way to the instance and establishing who does what, the priest crosses his arms and proclaims “I only do raid heals”.

I’m sorry, What?

Turns out “raid heals” actually means only group heals. Now, I am not the best priest out there. I wouldn’t even consider myself really as one since Abyl is more like another cog in a greater machine than an individual. That said, I always took healing as a sort of digitized whack a mole, in reverse. Make sure the moles stay up while getting beat down and occasionally, whack them all at once if the situation called for it. But no, mr fancy pants is too good for it. Instead, he chooses to just use the big mallet during the instance.

And he couldn’t even get that right.

To further add some salt to the wound, he would insult his teammates during the run. As the shaman changed gear and picked up the spot healing, he would remark how much he could outheal him if he wanted to. He would insult the mage for being 2nd in dps next to a hunter, claiming that even he could outdps him if he wanted to. Even the newbie tank was not immune, constantly ridiculed for not having better gear, not knowing the bosses, and just general douchebaggery.

In the end, they never completed the instance since it took to long due to frequent wipes.

Why do people need to act like this? Is the need to have a digital epeen in front of a bunch of strangers so great that common curtisy goes out the window? On that same note, why do others tolerate it? I don’t pug, but even if I did I would have booted this hobo to the curb the moment he put on his asshat. I just can’t stand that crap, and neither should you. If we all just never grouped with these brain children in the first place, didn’t invite them into respectable guilds and generally didn’t tolerate their crap, they might, die off somewhere in the vast digital wilderness.

Of course, they could always just stop playing and instead troll the WoW forums, turning it into a cesspit and IQ draining experience. Oh wait, they already did. That’s a rant for another time.

Editor's note: This rant was written roughly one week ago by a starving, caffeine saturated being who was up for approximately 27 hours at the time. No excuses given for putting you through this crap


Anonymous said...

"So anyways, after forming the group and getting all the way to the instance and establishing who does what, the priest crosses his arms and proclaims 'I only do raid heals'."



How...? What...? Who...? Dear lord that's TERRIBLE! I can't understand how someone gets to 70 and runs multiple instances as the 5-player content raid healer. There is no such thing. The whole point of 5-player content is to not have to heal the DPS. Wow. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

A good rant every now and again helps keep the blood pressure down. Assuming that you survive the initial outburst.

And, no, really, as a dedicated healer who has over 2,000 Bonus Healing unbuffed, has seen the inside of Hyjal Summit, Black Temple, and part of the Sunwell, and has been playing the class for years, I have to say that you caught on pretty quick: group healing and only group healing is crap. Pure and unadulterated.

Common sense already says this. If you cast a 1,300 heal capable of healing each person for 1,250 or so unbuffed when only your tank requires a heal, you're wasting mana. Especially when the highest rank of our highest healing spell costs 825 mana and heals for base 2,750. So you're already looking at almost double healing efficiency and the decreased likelihood of looking like an idiot.

And you run into similar problems with Circle of Healing (if he was specced that way) because you're looking at even less healing performed in an easily spammable way, resulting in even further decreased mana efficiency.

Here's confirmation, even though you probably don't need it. Your priest savant was a flippin' idiot.