Wednesday, August 13, 2008

...round and round...

Dinged 66 this past weekend and gave Mana Tombs a whirl, and the poorly made video below is a result. And for a poorly made video, it takes forever to make one.

Work hindered my first attempt. After reaching the Prince's area, I got called for a case I couldn't postpone, so I had to come back several hours later to wrap him up. The hardest part in the fight is to take down the 3 orbs that are with him before they turn into casters. I must have fumbled with about 6 diffent strategies in my head as to how to get them down, then keep any additional ones down. Thoughts such as custom macros for each mage, trying to focus switch constantly mid combat, etc. Then I said to hell with it, run in and AOE them down, then proceed to kill the boss. And it worked.

Sometimes the simplest ideas are best :)

Lastly, I opened up the comments section so anyone can comment. No need to register to blogger anymore!

Video mirror: Youtube -

1 comment:

Naisdes said...

Great videos. The first multiboxing team I have come across that isn't all Shamans! A Paladin AoE tank, plus 3 mages and a healer is like levelling heaven :)

I will be following your progress for sure, and look forward to all 5 of your characters dinging Level 70. Good luck with it, as I want to see you multibox Heroics soon!

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