Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sorry for the lack of updates

My work, by it's nature since it's revolves around break fix activities, hit's high points and low points. This week has been a high point meaning I've been coming in early and leaving late. I've gone ahead and messed up my sleeping schedual to boot so now I sleep when I normally play.

On a good note, I am almost done making a video giving a brief explanation of how I controll 5 toons at once. It's my first video so I would like as much feedback as possible.

Also, Mindy's toons dinged 70 tonite! I now I got a team of 70's who got my back untill I hit 70.

More importantly, this means she can go ahead and start grinding for gold. Gold that I will eventually steal to purchase my mounts when I reach 70 :)

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